Sunday, March 4, 2012

She's a genius!!

As this is my first post, allow me to give a tidbit of background information about yours truly, before I begin raving about how my 10 year old daughter is a genius: I'm an African American Muslim Husband to a beautiful, intelligent wife, and Father to three beautiful daughters. My wife and I have been married for 12 years; the girls are 10 (identical twins) & 8, and we reside in a small suburb outside of Chicago, IL.

Now, anyone who has more than one child knows that one of the toughest challenges you'll face is encouraging one, without discouraging the other(s).  Remember, these are individuals- even the twins- who have differing aptitudes, interest and varying levels of success in their endeavors. So, my wife and I are constantly looking to uncover and develop their talents and hope those talents mesh with their interest.

  Anyway, on to my genius daughter: I was checking her math homework, a subject that has left her ruffled and flustered- this year. I began tossing single digit multiplication at her and she would blink and an answer would pop out of her mouth. I assumed that the first question I posed to her  was one she had already done, during class, at school.

To my absolute delight, my daughter continued to throw answers back at me, problem after problem. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing! My little girl, who has struggled all year with the subject, had a mental Red Bull, right in front of me, and grew wings! Okay, hyperbole aside...I'm elated to see triumph where there had been failure, and even if she did bring home an F the very next day (on a test she took a week ago), I still hold out hope that I really did just witness my baby girl tapping into an unknown talent.

Maybe, fifteen years from now when she's an mathematician, quantum theorist, or...a high school math teacher, we'll share a laugh remembering the day she convinced her Dad she was a genius.

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